Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time RP Game
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Recreating the game of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time into multiplayer roleplay with Torque 3D game engine.
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 Stages of OOT RP Project

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2010-07-23
Location : US

Stages of OOT RP Project Empty
PostSubject: Stages of OOT RP Project   Stages of OOT RP Project EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 3:13 pm

Once I start creating a game, I want to make it organized. I'm going through the following stages below.

Finish Forum and website- These two are important to because it helps me inspire myself of continuing the mod. I know it doesn't make sense but it also gives the project a "more alive" feeling letting the community know whats going on.

- Pulling sounds from the game will be the easiest of them all.

Model- Exporting the models from the Oot (Ocarina of Time) is a very easy and quick process.

Texture- Textures will be the hardest to achieve, if I release an early demo for example don't expect textures. Sad

Collision- I have know idea how difficult the collision will be but if i can make all models collide-able to their own form, then it will be simple and quick.

GUI (Game user interface)- Can't wait to do this.

Map- Technically its a part of model but its not an individual model so to speak (This includes the sky.

Animation- Will be the least to enjoy but once I start getting the hang of it then "whalla".

Weapons- It's a roleplaying game, you move around all over Hyrule with friends and hang out. I'm not sure if I want to add weapons, I don't want to compete with Packer. (He's a good person) -His is deathmatch right now. - Zelda World

Your probably wondering where is the multiplayer or chat system, the answer is there already built in. Very Happy (And yes I'll have a early demo when I get the important stuff done)
Note: Packers used Adult Link so I'll use Young Link (Was going to use him regardless)

-----------------------------------------Below will be updated constantly--------------------------------------

Ones that are currently done

None this site and Game just started.
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