Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time RP Game
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Recreating the game of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time into multiplayer roleplay with Torque 3D game engine.
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 OotRP Alpha1 Package

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OotRP Alpha1 Package Empty
PostSubject: OotRP Alpha1 Package   OotRP Alpha1 Package EmptyThu Jul 29, 2010 1:01 pm

OotRP Alpha1 Package Alpha1

Link: Download


This whole package is just to see if you have problems with the game engine itself. I tried this on one computer computer and it had a problem with direct X so I added a Direct X installer in there labeled "Install me first".

This download are for beta tester, people who are willing enough to try and comment on the game engine and NOT the game itself. I already know it has texture problems and meshes, but commit ONLY on the game engine itself.

This package will be update every other week on little things like texture for example so you have to download this for other patches to work.

Remember, only comment on the engine problem and newer Direct X is required.(Labeled as "Install first")


Readme (The readme is not included.)

To better understand what this download its:

* For beta testers only.(If you want to help contribute to the cause)
* Simply move around on Hyrule Field with friends.
* The game engine is set to default so the whole game is a deathmatch scenario, and yes you have guns.
* Most of everything you see on this map is climbable(even boundary walls!)
* If you do play this, press "H" for all controls.
* You chat with friends with "U".
* This is first-person shooter and third-person shooter.
* I adjusted the player's speed and swim speed really fast so it doesn't take forever to get to one side.
* And yes there are going to be quick little updates every other week or so.

You'll probably going to complain about the small water print (Very easy to ignore) on the bottom of your screen when you play (reads "Torque 3D, TorquePowered.com) and the small and quick advertisement that pops up to buy the game engine before you play a game. It's because I don't own the game engine yet technically, its a demo. It's basically the full game engine with just the above, but if I decide to buy the game engine (Depends how well everything is going so I don't waste my money(Learn how to use PayPal too!) It will cost $125 with out the above two.

The making the game of the game is released under the GNU License. OotRP Alpha1 Package Gplv3-127x51

All files used are associated under Nintendo. OotRP Alpha1 Package Nintendologo

Please post any problems of the game engine and NOT the game itself here or in the forums. (Try it on multiple computers on different systems (windows) like XP, Vista, Windows 7 with 32, 64, and 86. Thank You! Have fun beta testing!
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Beta Tester
Beta Tester

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-08-02

OotRP Alpha1 Package Empty
PostSubject: Re: OotRP Alpha1 Package   OotRP Alpha1 Package EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 3:50 am

You have done a lot in the past few days and I am impressed. It looks even better then what it did
in the original one. There are a few thing I would like to mention about it.

1. I'm sure you already noticed but when you look at Death Mountain you see bluesky then grey all around it.
I see you probably took a screenshot of it and put it there so it looks like Death Mountain but you might want
to trim it up a bit so it's just Death Mountain.

2. The fences Epona jumps over to get to Lake Hylia have a slight problem. If your heading towards Lake Hylia
there fine but if you're leaving Lake Hylia, the fenchs arn't even there. Once you pass them they reappear.

3. I'm not sure if there was suppose to be internet since it is a beta but it dosn't seem to connect with other people.
I tried it with a freind of mine and we never saw each other.

Other then these issues the Beta was amazing. When I first downloaded this, I wasn't expecting all of this. It really
is amazing and I can't wait to see the end result of all of this.

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Location : US

OotRP Alpha1 Package Empty
PostSubject: Thanks   OotRP Alpha1 Package EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 11:04 am

Quote :
You have done a lot in the past few days and I am impressed. It looks even better then what it did
in the original one. There are a few thing I would like to mention about it.
Thanks for the inspirational comment! lol!

Quote :
1. I'm sure you already noticed but when you look at Death Mountain you see bluesky then grey all around it.
I see you probably took a screenshot of it and put it there so it looks like Death Mountain but you might want
to trim it up a bit so it's just Death Mountain.

I know, it's temporarily. It was originally black and grayed style, hopefully going to fix it after September, 5th.

Quote :
2. The fences Epona jumps over to get to Lake Hylia have a slight problem. If your heading towards Lake Hylia
there fine but if you're leaving Lake Hylia, the fenchs arn't even there. Once you pass them they reappear.

I know about it, thats going to be the first I fix hopefully then I'll add trees and grass everywhere.

Quote :
3. I'm not sure if there was suppose to be internet since it is a beta but it dosn't seem to connect with other people.
I tried it with a freind of mine and we never saw each other.

Hmm, I am very new at Torque engine 3D and I only tested lan which worked, I'll check on it.
Quote :

Other then these issues the Beta was amazing. When I first downloaded this, I wasn't expecting all of this. It really
is amazing and I can't wait to see the end result of all of this.

Once again thanks!

Very Happy
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Location : US

OotRP Alpha1 Package Empty
PostSubject: Possible Solution   OotRP Alpha1 Package EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 12:09 pm

I have a possible solution you can play with friends it on, moddb but here as follows:

OotRP works in LAN so if you download the program Hamachi, you can form multiple internet connection with into LAN (Local Area Network) and play on LAN together with friends. (PS. Haven't tried it yet but will mostly likely work and read the Hamachi documents how to use it, because I don't have the time to explain)

Hamachi download site: Hamachi[i]
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Beta Tester
Beta Tester

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Join date : 2010-08-02

OotRP Alpha1 Package Empty
PostSubject: Re: OotRP Alpha1 Package   OotRP Alpha1 Package EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 9:43 pm

I didn't even download it but I think it's fixed. I accidentally left the program running and
when I came back on it says people were in there at the day so it works. When you put up
updates do I have to redownload it or does it update it's self?
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Location : US

OotRP Alpha1 Package Empty
PostSubject: answer   OotRP Alpha1 Package EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 9:48 pm

the september release will have a total OVERHAUL Very Happy So unforently you might have to redownload it. Great if it WORKS YESSSSSSSS!!!!! I thought it didn't but who knows i'm still new to the sytem just like you.

I have very bad news check the website.... http://www.moddb.com/games/ootrp

I just contacted the torque like 15 seconds ago, i hope its not true but who knows? pale
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